Murder Mystery at Curtain Call

Murder is his business and generally speaking Edward Bare is a successful “business man.” Married first to Monica, rich, doting and many years his senior, Edward waits amicably for her to die. It is not “poor Monnie’s fault” that he comes...


A SEASON OF VERY BAD BOYS AND GIRLS. Come join the fun and save on your Season Ticket available now. (See accompanying Details of Post Card) Murder Mistaken by Janet Green March 3-25, 2017 No one can weave a murder mystery better than the Brits, and this one is in the...

Intimate Treasures

A collection of short plays for a full evening of fine theater. Intimacy comes in many forms. In our current production “Intimate Treasures” you will experience several facets of intimacy with spouses, ex-spouses, our history, our country, and most of all people like...