Music Concerts

1192841_the_violinistMusic of all varieties can be performed in The HALL.

The sound acoustics enhance classical symphonic and instrumental music without the need for amplification.

Jazz music, as well as Country and Western music, will also be heard with clarity.

Likewise, operatic and voice performances of all styles will sound clear with all the dynamics in place.

Call now to reserve The HALL for your next concert. (707) 387-5072

Dance Concerts

203693_motion_danceThe thrust stage is set for intimate, yet thrilling dance concerts.  Flamenco, Modern Dance, Ballet, Jazz, and any dance event can take place within view of the audience.

A Spinet Piano is also available for your accompaniment or to play with the proper rhythm of your dance.

The modular tiered theatre seats can be set in any part of The HALL to accommodate Proscenium dance performance or Arena seating for a more open type of performance.

Likewise, the lighting system is designed to light any subject from almost any angle or location within The HALL. Use your imagination as you plan your next Dance Concert, or consult our resident Lighting Designer for the most effective way to light your dancers.

Call now to reserve The HALL for your next Dance Concert: (707) 387-5072