Bell, Book, and Candle“Bell, Book, and Candle”, a 1950 romantic comedy by John Van Druten, is just in time for the Halloween Holidays. The New York Times called it an “Impish Fantasy”. Directed by Michael Tabib with a cast of five distinguished Sonoma County actors, the play recounts the trials and tribulations of a modern day witch who would have to give up her powers in order to fall in love with a man she simply must have!

Complications abound with a ditzy aunt who is unable to do her witchcraft discreetly, a lazy and irresponsible brother who is a prankster warlock, and an alcoholic publisher who wants to benefit from witchcraft books at the cost of all of them.

Come enjoy this mid-century American classic and start the Halloween Season earlier (or later, as the case may be). Also, please pass this along to others who love theater at its best.

As usual, we will celebrate the closing night November 5 with an enchanted Halloween buffet, with Korbel wines and Brut Champagne, and desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages.
Costumes are encouraged, or just come as you are.

All other performances start October 7 through November 4. See attached post.Bell, Book, and Candle Back Postcard

Details and information at 707-524-8739. make your reservations today, and enjoy another quality production at Curtain Call Theatre.