Subscribe and Support Curtain Call Theater
It is the time for giving! Please support Curtain Call Theatre by subscribing for our 2019 season. That includes:
Spike Heels
A comedy right out of today’s headlines about the “Me Too” movement, but written in 1992; this play helps us laugh at ourselves as we struggle to find appropriate ways to interact
Macbeth, the Witches’ Cut
Shakespeare’s words, with the witches scenes that are usually cut, reinserted and some fight scenes omitted, illustrates an important theme of the play that is often lost; the struggle of the Scottish Celtic indigenous traditions vs. Christianity,
The Haunting of Hill House
A classic thriller!
The Mousetrap
Agatha Christie’s great who-dun-it
Subscribing is not just about coming to see a show, or making yourself get out and about; it is also being a part of the thrilling energy that occurs between actors and audience, that creates exciting story telling.
Our ticket prices are reasonable!
$60 for one regular subscription
$45 for one senior subscription
$160 for one Gala subscription
Mail your check to:
Curtain Call Theatre
POB 588
Guerneville, CA 95446