Macbeth, The Witches’ Cut
Edited by Avilynn Pwyll
Directed by Michael Tabib

Evening Performances
Friday and Saturday 8:00 PM
May 31, June 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 & 22
Matinee Performances
Sunday at 2:00 PM
June 2, 9 & 16

William Shakespeare has loosely based his historical play, Macbeth on the factual 11th century ruler. By approximately the 4th century, Scotland was primarily Christian, yet the playwright managed to weave into his story the ongoing struggle of those who, to this day, practice modern versions of their ancient, indigenous, nature-based religion.
By including more of Shakespeare’s scenes about the Witches that are often cut from performances, a story of the attempts to magically control political events to protect their religious beliefs comes through. The Bard’s writing clearly portrays Lady Macbeth as a practitioner of the Old Ways and a woman of her time, when “might” was still considered “right”. Her influence and dark practice of the occult goes contrary to the witches’ original intentions. Consequently, the Goddess, Hecate, urgently appears to chastise the Witches for their misguided interventions and commands them to try to set things right by leading Macbeth to his ultimate downfall.
Where Shakespeare simply writes such instructions as “they sing and dance,” we have included beautiful chants by several modern musicians that fit well with the period and help tell the story of a continuing struggle for religious rights.
We present this production with as simple and straightforward an approach to give a modern audience an insider’s look at what is commonly omitted from this great Classic work.
Join us as we re-discover this amazing story about blind ambition, greed, and murder as none other but the Bard can recount.
This entire production is underwritten by the generosity of EDWARD SELL AND THE ROSANTA COMPANY.
Our Champagne Buffet Gala will be on June 22, 2019.
Join our Fundraising Closing Night featuring Korbel Brut and Wines, sumptuous delectable and desserts and non-alcoholic beverages. Donation is $50. Doors open at 7:00 PM and curtain rolls at 8:00 PM. 20347 Hwy 116, Monte Rio.
For inquiries, you may call us at 707-524-8739.